Frequently Asked Questions


Let us know how we can help. If you have a question that is not addressed on this page, feel free to contact Michelle Richards at or Corey Rubino at

What is the S&W LearningHub?

S&W LearningHub is a library of video presentations developed as a resource for corporate counsel to learn about current legal topics of interest. We have made this resource available online so users can access the information at their convenience and as their schedules permit. The LearningHub is updated on an ongoing basis, so we encourage users to check back often.

Can I earn CLE credit by watching videos on this site?

In many states, watching a video presentation focused on legal topics of education is eligible for self-study credit. There are often limitations on how many hours of self-study an attorney can report, so we encourage you to check your local state rules. If a video posted on the LearningHub site is determined to be CLE credit-eligible, it will be noted in the topic description, and materials will be posted so you may print them for your records.

How can I contact one of the presenters directly?

Contact information for presenters is included in their respective videos. You can also reach a directory of Snell & Wilmer attorneys on our website at

How much does it cost to use this website?

This resource is provided on a complimentary basis and there is no cost to use it.

Can I save the video on my own computer?

There is not an option to download the videos. You can only view the videos directly from this site.

How often is this information updated?

We continually monitor this site in order to update the information in a timely manner.